How Software Development Services Can Make Start-Ups Stronger

How Software Development Services Can Make Start-Ups Stronger

How Software Development Services Can Make Start-Ups Stronger

November 10, 2017

To grow and succeed in today’s tech market, start-ups need to know when to hire the services of a software developer. But even more importantly, they need to know how a software development service can make them stronger.

By leveraging the experience and productivity of a software development service, companies of any size can scale their software needs to meet current demand, extend their reach to new countries, integrate a 24/7 business operation, and drastically reduce costs.

What Start-ups Need Most
As a start-up expands, both in size and revenue, it eventually outgrows the MVP (minimum viable product) technologies it started out with. While useful during the early stages of a business operation, MVP solutions reach a point where they no longer adequately serve the needs of an accelerating start-up company.

To continue scaling, a company needs to craft custom software and web applications to meet demand. As more interested parties and consumers adopt a start-up’s services, they’ll expect a steady stream of fixes, updates, and features. If growth is rapidly accelerating, then outsourcing software development services to build and expedite powerful new applications will solve capacity issues.

Here are just a few ways your business can become stronger when you outsource software development services.

The Benefits of Software Development Services
Regardless of a company’s size, the benefits of software development services are valuable.

Save money
Cutting costs is important for any business operation. By designing custom software, start-ups can save on expensive licensing and costly SaaS subscription fees. And while an in-house team can be hired and trained to develop software, a professional software development agency offers experience and productivity that can take years for new developers to acquire.

Scale to fit any operation
As your company grows, so too does the demand for your products and services. By not scaling to address new business, you risk losing or frustrating potential customers with software that is no longer applicable. You also lose the ability to adapt when the market fluctuates—something the tech industry is famous for doing on a regular basis.

Take Netflix, for example. Once a fledgling start-up with 30 employees and only 925 movies to rent, the subscription rental service not only redefined the movie rental industry, but it continues to dominate the competition—with availability in 190 countries and counting. But if Netflix had stuck with its mail-delivered catalog, ignoring the trend of online digital streaming, the company would’ve lost the race to Hulu, HBO and a bevy of other content streaming services.

Bring the focus back to core business goals
As with any outsourced solution, hiring using software development services allows your business to focus on the important goals to achieve success. Rather than losing traction from devising, developing and testing new software, your start-up can maintain momentum while a professional software development agency works in the background.

Maintain an advantage over the competition
If a start-up designs a killer app or a promising new service, chances are the competition isn’t far behind. Delay investing in custom software for too long, and you might lose a market that was once cornered.

By leveraging the assistance of a developer, start-ups can deliver a revamped solution or dedicated application that is unique, highly secure, and much more agile and flexible than MVP technologies.

Take an operation global
According to a 2016 report on outsourcing by Deloitte, 85% of the businesses surveyed were large established companies with global reach.

Integrating software development services into the fold allows your business not only to reach new shores but to remain operational at any hour of the day. With 24/7 service, your company increases the rate at which conversions and sales are made. Plus, you gain access to around-the-clock technical support, meaning a midnight malfunction can be resolved before your team wakes up.

Find a Path to Success with Software Development Services
Interested in learning more about the advantages start-ups have when they utilize professional software development services? Ask us any questions you may have.

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About the Author

Yosef Adelman

Yosef Adelman's journey from intern to chief advisor under a renowned SEO expert paved the way for his role as V.P. of Internet Marketing at a prestigious company, drawing over 30,000 monthly visitors to three major websites in just 6 months. Recognizing the value of his proven SEO strategies, he founded Falcon Marketing, empowering external clients to benefit from his resounding success in the world of SEO. Today, Yosef remains a leading figure in innovative internet marketing, offering a diverse range of digital marketing services.

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