Finding an Industry Expert for Your Website

Finding an Industry Expert for Your Website

Finding an Industry Expert for Your Website

September 17, 2019

When it comes to business to business relations you’re most likely looking to collaborate with other companies that either understand or specialize in your industry. This is particularly important when choosing an industry website design company that can dramatically boost your online presence, generate leads & sales, and instill confidence in the professionalism of your company in the eyes of your clients and consumers.

At Falcon Marketing we have years of experience and hundreds of websites under our belt spanning many different industries and practices. Even if your company falls under a category of business we haven’t worked with before, there are likely parallels to competitors within the same spectrum of businesses. Additionally, if your industry is entirely new or not as well documented, our research and development team is capable of extensive and deep analysis of your biggest competitors and ideal market. Our analytics enable us to dissect competitor’s online presence, source of traffic, as well as a range of exposures. There are a couple of factors to be mindful of when searching for an industry specialist to handle your website development and digital marketing which we will outline in this article.

Web design as displayed on several devices on a desk

Mindfulness in Design

Whether you’re looking to commission a general contracting industry website or an ADA compliant healthcare web presence, it’s important that the company you pick can accommodate the needs of a diverse range of industries. One key feature to look for when vetting different companies is the professionalism of the websites they’ve built when compared to other industry leaders. If you notice similar motifs like clear iconography or impressive eye-catching elements like integrated videos, you’ll know that the company you’re examining has done their market research and are capable of designing top-tier industry websites. It’s also extremely important to examine inner service pages or lead generation features. The farther you dissect the website, does the quality of the inner pages change? This could be problematic for a number of reasons. Oftentimes inner pages are the ones that a first time user will see the most, so it’s important that those pages, in addition to the landing page, are capable of generating leads and attract new clients.

There are some other key factors to take into account when gauging how successfully a website design company is marketing a company or brand. Firstly, is it easy to access the key information necessary to find or contact the business? If they have a location, is there a stylish map or location page that can help you navigate to the business via google maps? Even if the website’s purpose is to generate digital leads, a physical presence can be equally as important for walk-in clientele. The information present on the website should also match and be integrated with the same data that can be found on Google for maximum digital exposure. These are integral aspects that are often overlooked by inexperienced website firms. Secondly, if the content in those secondary pages is accurate, informational, and instills enough trust in you to reach out to the company, that’s another good indicator that the development company has done their due diligence in market research. Oftentimes industry website design firms in Los Angeles offer content writing services to supplement their page designs. The type of content, both written and visual, has a huge effect on ranking potential for these so-called lead generation pages. When you pick an industry leader that knows the ins and outs of these particular facets you have a much better likelihood of translating your professional website into a real revenue generation tool for your business.


Search Engine Optimization Capabilities

SEO is one of the most abstract aspects of digital marketing, but here at Falcon Marketing, we’ve solidified many of the core techniques that have now become standard in the SEO field. When determining SEO methods based on various industry websites, techniques and methods tend to differ based on competition and the desired outcome of a given website. If we’re doing organic SEO for a general contracting industry website, for example, we often create many informational pages based on the different services that the company offers. Not only does this assist in lead generation by casting a larger net for those looking for generation contracting and construction services, but it can serve a dual purpose when you start to include location-specific keywords contained in the metadata of the site. This can be stored in descriptions, images, etc, and help Google to recognize which areas the business is trying to target. We’ve also taken this concept a step further in the past by creating inner pages for every location the client may find potential clientele. Although this is a labor-intensive and advanced technique, it can work wonders for businesses looking to generate nearby businesses.

vector image website designers hard at work on oversized web design

The converse would be a business looking for national coverage. eCommerce websites often don’t target specific locales because their goods can be shipped anywhere; in these instances, we target highly competitive keywords that will help our clients to garner nationwide recognition. It’s not enough to only rank for the keyword but to translate that increased traffic into real sales for your company. When we perform eCommerce SEO services our main goal is to make sure our clients see a real return on investment in the budget they may set aside for expert digital marketing. These methods of highly competitive keyword targeting and keyword reinforcement have worked for both national and international eCommerce websites. Just one of the many keys to our time tested techniques involve creating a legitimate and reputable name for a business. We can accomplish this by communicating directly with some of the internet’s largest press outlets. Through years of collaborative history with news websites like USAToday, Forbes, and HuffPost, we can increase the recognized authority score of your website within Google while at the same time attracting a wide and new audience directly to your website.


Using Blogs & Resource Centers

Many other SEO companies advertise the use of blogs and articles to help increase your website’s SEO but very few, if any, deliver a truly valuable and authentic product. Not to knock the competition, but we’ve seen more than our fair share of poor blog sections. So poor, in fact, that it’s evident to anyone with a bit of experience in the field that no real work was put into the content or labor that it takes to create a truly valuable article. Some of the reasons we stand out from the fray are the quality of the content and thoroughly researched keywords that we target as a part of our content development process. There are a couple of methods you can use to determine if a blog section is set up successfully and geared towards maximum online exposure. In all instances, the content on the blog itself should be crisp, clear, and concise. Google favors shorter sentences as opposed to run-on and complex sentence structures. The next thing you can look for is the number of hyperlinks; there should only be about 2-4 hyperlink anchors contained per blog and no repeated keywords or URL’s. Using too many can flag the content as spam and is considered ‘keyword stuffing’. Check to see if the blog itself is tagged with industry appropriate keywords that a user may search for when looking for your business. Images are extremely important as well as the metadata contained within the image itself. If your blog section is missing one or many of these aspects, it may be time to switch to a new SEO company.

In addition to standard blogs, there are more advanced techniques that an SEO company may use, including the use of a blog section as a resource center packed with useful information for the user. Resource centers are a labor-intensive technique that has the potential to turn your website into a wealth of information for those looking for answers to highly specific industry questions on Google. Although it can be difficult to find a company capable of pulling off these kinds of complex SEO techniques, at Falcon Marketing we have over half a decade of experience and paved the way for many modern techniques that can be seen in the industry today.

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About the Author

Yosef Adelman

Yosef Adelman's journey from intern to chief advisor under a renowned SEO expert paved the way for his role as V.P. of Internet Marketing at a prestigious company, drawing over 30,000 monthly visitors to three major websites in just 6 months. Recognizing the value of his proven SEO strategies, he founded Falcon Marketing, empowering external clients to benefit from his resounding success in the world of SEO. Today, Yosef remains a leading figure in innovative internet marketing, offering a diverse range of digital marketing services.

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