iPhone vs Android App Development: Which Platform to Build for First?

iPhone vs Android App Development: Which Platform to Build for First?

iPhone vs Android App Development: Which Platform to Build for First?

November 3, 2017

Apple iOS and Android dominate the mobile market, to the extent that most developers will aim to release an app that’s supported on both platforms. However, for most companies and start-ups, that option is a significant drain on resources. In the end, you need to decide which platform to focus your efforts on first.

While this decision can be made based on cost alone, a lot of elements should be factored into the platform you ultimately choose to support. Certain services might fare better on iOS than on Android, and vice versa.

How can you decide between iOS and Android App Development? Ask yourself the following questions to determine the best mobile platform to start with.

Depending on your location and the services you provide, careful consideration of your target demographic will help you determine which operating system to begin developing on. An app developed for the South Korean market will likely fair better on Android since most people use Android-based Samsung devices over iPhones.

Apple currently sells the most smartphones compared to other vendors, but Android holds the operating system market share, with 82% of all smartphone owners using Android. iOS users statistically have a higher income, are more engaged, and tend to spend more on apps, whereas Android users can be found in developing nations and cover the income spectrum.

Cost & Profitability
Cost does matter, but it shouldn’t be a key influencer, either. As far as development is concerned, the price is pretty equal between iOS and Android-specific apps. Android might involve more compatibility testing, but overall both platforms largely incur the same development fees.

When it comes to profitability, iOS apps make more money. This is because the App Store generates much more revenue than Google’s Play Store. Android favors free apps that garner revenue from paid advertisements and in-app purchases, whereas iOS users are more comfortable purchasing apps without ads.

Release Cycle
The adoption rate for a new version of Android has always been weaker than what Apple’s iOS enjoys. Android’s release cycles are different than Apple’s, mainly because carriers and OEMs can lock a specific version of Android into their devices. On the other hand, Apple’s iOS only appears on the company’s mobile devices, making updating and adopting a new iOS fairly painless.

This makes developing for iOS much more convenient, as it both cuts costs and reduces development cycle times. You’ll be able to integrate the latest APIs and iOS features without worrying whether you’ll reach the largest audience or not.

Approval Process
Finally, the approval process determines how quickly your app can reach the market. iOS is known for its lengthy approval process, which can take up to three weeks or more. Android, on the other hand, enjoys an extremely fast approval process: 1-2 days to be approved, and mere hours to push any new updates. This makes Android app development a clear favorite for many.

Choose the Platform That Will Help You Succeed
There’s no easy answer when it comes to selecting the best platform to start with. iOS has the potential to be more lucrative, but the competition is fierce, and the user base is much smaller compared to Android. On the other hand, Android is used by more people, and your app can be released and updated almost instantaneously, although profitability mostly depends on in-app advertisements.

You can always consult a professional iOS or Android App Development agency for questions regarding your next project. Remember, whether you pick iOS or Android, you’re making a smart investment in an extremely successful platform.

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About the Author

Yosef Adelman

Yosef Adelman's journey from intern to chief advisor under a renowned SEO expert paved the way for his role as V.P. of Internet Marketing at a prestigious company, drawing over 30,000 monthly visitors to three major websites in just 6 months. Recognizing the value of his proven SEO strategies, he founded Falcon Marketing, empowering external clients to benefit from his resounding success in the world of SEO. Today, Yosef remains a leading figure in innovative internet marketing, offering a diverse range of digital marketing services.

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