Sports Encyclopedia Launch Announcement

Sports Encyclopedia Launch Announcement

Sports Encyclopedia Launch Announcement

December 31, 2019

Proud to announce the launch of which was featured on Big Brain by Barstool Sports.

We are proud to be the web design company that was chosen to get this redesign done, one of our most ambitious and high profile projects yet!

Frank Fleming thank you for being such an awesome client and we look forward to our continued work together!

Alex Hoffman Yossi Rosenbluth Thank you for the hard work!


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About the Author

Yosef Adelman

Yosef Adelman's journey from intern to chief advisor under a renowned SEO expert paved the way for his role as V.P. of Internet Marketing at a prestigious company, drawing over 30,000 monthly visitors to three major websites in just 6 months. Recognizing the value of his proven SEO strategies, he founded Falcon Marketing, empowering external clients to benefit from his resounding success in the world of SEO. Today, Yosef remains a leading figure in innovative internet marketing, offering a diverse range of digital marketing services.

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